Co-lab is a community space for sustainable urban developement through intergenerational participation in ger districts of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Ger districts is aform of residential district in Mongolian settlements. Ger stands for yurts. Yurt living is one of the most ecological way of life in the countriside when used in the city became the source of exteme toxicity in the air. Not only air polution put also poor access to the urban services and infrastructure has become an urgent problems for the city of Ulaanbaatar and its residents. Consisting of four recycled containers, Co-lab is a community self-service space, hyperlocalising government, non government, private sector entities and local residents. Depending on the local needs the community space will be the providers of some urban infustructure resources such as water and heat. The readjustable, affordable and experimental nature of the design allows it to be built in several location regardless their differences.
Namuun Baatarjav
Name: Strate School of Design
Location (Country, City): France, Paris
Here is the five-point rating scale, where 1 means poor and 5 means very good.
The International Awards in
Architecture and Design
(с)1998-2022 “Univer Press”