Modular Children's Leisure Center. Children's leisure center is an institution of additional education for children. It is the facility where physical, mental, aesthetic and labor education and development of children are carried out. Children are learning to make a personal choice and find personal identity being engaged in the system of additional education. The main goal of the project is to ensure such engagement for children. At the same time, an important task is to preserve the connection of children with their home and the usual environment. At the same time, there is an important task is to preserve the connection of children with their home and usual environment. With mobile, modern, informational, free environment, so that the young visitor feels territory of creativity. The basis for building is a hexagon module, that gives dynamism to the internal and external spaces, softening the monumentality of the traditional quadrangular forms. Such a concept allows to adapt Leisure center to any city and conditions. Center typology has been developed for small towns (with a population less than 50 thousand people for 400 students) up to large cities (with a population of 500 thousand to 1 million people for 1,600 students). Сenter is a united space accessible for physically challenged people - atriums, green corners, exhibition spaces, play areas. The Current one is developed with following parameters: - 1200 students, - GFA 8,700 m2, - 3 floors, - Plot area 2 ha, - Footprint area 4.800 m2. Modules functional is calculated regarding residents’ needs of and city’s demands. Zones are divided according to functional content - the prime (educational, public and administrative-economic) and secondary (technical, sanitary, elevators and staircases) The constructive modular system of the hexagonal section is a bolted connection of a prefabricated frame made of steel galvanized profiles from cassette-type wall panels. The foundation is light pile structures that provide the possibility of installing a building in earthquake zones. It is fire resistant construction. Finishing materials are looks close to natural. Materials of the suspended faсade are fiber cement slabs for painting or porcelain tiles. Hinged aluminum slats are used in the textures of "wood", "metal" and perforated metal. Back side of the staircase can be used for the design of inscriptions. Modular Children's Leisure Center will be mobile, modern, informational, accessible Institution for all modern children, Playgrounds, entertainment and exhibition areas will help children get stronger and happier.
Konstantin Andreev
Evgeniya Dmitrieva
Konstantin Andreev
Name: Limited liability company "DESIGN OFFICE 500.K+"
Location (Country, City): Russia, Moscow
Here is the five-point rating scale, where 1 means poor and 5 means very good.
The International Awards in
Architecture and Design
(с)1998-2022 “Univer Press”